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A Style All Your Own

What does it mean to have your own style? For many people, going to the mall and grabbing that coat that you saw someone else wearing is the standard of how we shop. See it on someone else, like it, buy it. It’s just that simple if you’re not looking for anything more than just being in style. But starting your own trends, and adding your own taste to fashion trends that are already popular can be a dynamic way to set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd.

There are plenty of ways to do just that, while also keeping it simple. We focused last on the importance of accessories to an overall wardrobe. Watches, hats, and purses are just a few items that can take some of the attention away from the average outfit, and oftentimes can lead to a compliment filled day. ...But accessories are just an addition to already having your own style.

Accessories almost mean nothing if you can’t coordinate them with a reasonable outfit. That’s not to say go out and buy the most expensive clothing available, but when you do shop for your base set of clothing (i.e. shirts, shoes, pants, leggings), try to find something that works with what you have physically, while also focusing on how your clothes make you feel mentally. Nothing is more disastrous than purchasing an outfit just to get home and feel like you’re forcing yourself to wear it. Also important is choosing base clothing that is multi-dimensional. This means different color shirts, leggings, gym shoes, or just about anything else you wear on an everyday basis that can be worn with more than one specific outfit. This will work wonders for a creative outfit later.

Take a good, long look at your closet and the pieces you already own. Toss what you haven't worn in the last year so you can start fresh. Then you can begin to rebuild and refine your wardrobe with a style that truly reflects where you are inyour life and career. And if you waver between the keep pile and donate?

XOXO - ClassiLadyStyle

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