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Hormone Crazy

Writer: J. NicoleJ. Nicole

Regardless of age, a woman's hormones all work together like a symphony; if one part of the orchestra is not functioning properly, then the melody you produce is out of tune. Signs of hormonal imbalance in women are a very real quality of life issue. All women need to be aware these signs of hormone imbalance.

That beautiful, tuned melody that we look for is your optimal health, free from premenopause symptoms and menopausal symptoms. Women with balanced hormones integrated with proper nutrition and fitness can have a better quality of life as they age.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Women:

The above symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women can indicate any one of the conditions of menopause and her ugly sisters (perimenopause and postmenopause), surgical menopause, thyroid health and adrenal fatigue. But regardless of condition, these symptoms could mean that you have a hormone imbalance. If you are experiencing these symptoms, getting tested by a highly trained bioidentical hormone doctor in order to discover the current levels of your hormones, could be the solution you have been seeking. Once we know your results, we can find that beautiful melody and relieve you of premenopause symptoms and menopausal symptoms; you do not have to live with them! You will be healthier, happier, and free to enjoy your life without the inconvenience and frustration of symptoms resulting from premenopause, menopause, or any of the others.

Hormonal acne: What you need to know

Hormonal acne is usually known simply as acne. Another term for the skin condition is acne vulgaris.

It is sometimes called hormonal acne because of the way the skin problem develops in response to hormonal changes, and especially a rise in androgens, such as testosterone.

The rise in androgen levels can trigger a process of higher sebum production, changes in skin cell activity, inflammation, and colonization of the hair follicles by a bacteria known as

Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). This can lead to acne.

Acne lesions or zits of varying severity typically affect the face and upper body. Acne is a common and treatable condition.

There are four main factors behind the formation of acne lesions. Hormones are one major factor, which may be why some people call it hormonal acne.

The four components of acne involve the units at the base of hairs in the skin:

1. Production of the hormone testosterone rises during puberty. This causes greasy skin because it increases production of sebum, the oily substance secreted at the base of hairs to protect and lubricate the skin

2. The hair follicles become blocked, forming comedones or "clogged pores." The overproduction of skin cells that would usually be pushed up and lost from the surface also adds to this process.

3. The comedones can be made worse by bacterial infection.

4. The immune system reacts to the bacteria, resulting in inflammation.

Not all acne is inflammatory. Simple comedones — blackheads and whiteheads — may not be inflamed. Pimples called papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts — in order of rising severity — are inflamed.

Contact your physician to schedule an appointment and learn more about how hormone therapy can relieve the menopausal symptoms and premenopause symptoms associated with natural hormonal imbalance for women.



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